Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 45 - Chili and Great Block for Phillip Daniels

I started the day with a trip to Kroger to Chili fixings.  In the parking lot we tried to rescue a lost dog but it would not come up to me but we tried for about 15 minutes.  After our adventure with thunder booming overhead we headed into the store when David saw a donut and cried out for the sugary treat.  We are suckers for a happy child and let him pick out the one he wanted so he could eat as we shopped.  It was a quick trip in the store and once home David helped my pull some weeds form our flowerbeds.  After our weeding it was time to start the chili.  With dinner cooking we ran to Costco for a few more items we need.  Back at home it was time for what Sunday really is all about.  The Redskins have the 4Pm game so David and I played with his train set during the early game.  Once the Skins were on I was focused on the game and the Rams took and early lead but the Redskins fought back and a great block by Phillip Daniels on a FG attempt by the Rams before half insured the lead going into the locker room.  The Redskins ended up losing the game but next week they will take home the victory over Philly.

Day 44 - State Fair and Penn State football

Finally the weekend is here.  As I mentioned earlier this was a busy week.  This new project is going to be hard.  David was up early this morning but that is fine.  Today we are going to the Virginia State Fair.  David loved seeing all the animals his favorite I think are always the chickens but he loved to showing how rabbits hop.  The 300lb pig wanted to say hello to David and got face to face with him scaring the crap out of David.  After the farm animals we started to make our way to the rides.  One the way we had to stop for Cheese fries then for Pizza.  I think the fair is all about junk food.  I did pass on the fried Oreos though.  As we got to the rides section David wanted to watch but not ride as we expected.  We did get him on the mary-go-round and for the first trip around he was not sure and each time he passed by with mom I could see his face changing and getting more upset.  Since he was such a trooper it was time for his own fair food.  David loved the corndog.  Who's does not love fried food.  David was now ready for his nap and turning to the dark side.  He passed out on the way home. 

Day 43 - Late Afternoon Meeting

How did this turn into a post a day about work.  It is all that I seem to do right now.  At least today was Friday.  I had a meeting that was scheduled for the end of the day.  Why do people schedule meetings for 5pm on Fridays.  No one likes them.  I left work early so I could take the conference call from home.  I knew that would be tough because David and mom were home all afternoon.  I thought I could still handle it if I locked myself in my game room.  Little did I know the AC thermostat was not working in there and it was 98 degrees outside.  I was able to sit on the call and listen while getting use to the heat.  I could hear David from time to time playing down stairs.  I would walk down to peak and watch him without him knowing.  It was nice to see he and his mom playing in his new playroom.

Day 42 - Burnt Out

I am totally drained when I get home from work these days.  I am not sleeping all that well and think about work in bed so I think that is why I cannot fall asleep.  I was home later than normal tonight and David was playing with his clubs and did not do much else before heading to bed and I watched football and enjoyed some quiet time.

Day 41- Golf Ball, Golf Club

I picked David up at daycare today and he was sitting at a table pretending to eat dinner.  When he saw me he just kept eating until I got his lunch box then he came over and hugged me and said "Golf Ball, Golf Club"  That is all he talked about on the way home.  he pushed past the dog and ran to where we left his clubs.  He is getting better with two hands he was great with one.  he keeps his head down and at times can drive the ball about 30 feet.  Tonight he also asked for golf on tv so he could mimic the player there.  On a side note he might like golf because the "man has a hat on"

Day 40 - Potty

Today was a long day at work but we had a big first even tonight.  David peed on the potty for the first time.  He was so excited let's hope he can keep it up.  Short post most of the time when I have busy days at work.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 39 - Monday

I always dread Monday's because it is back to work.  I have taken on a major initiative at work but no more money or time off just longer hours and less down time.  I often work late and though lunch so after a weekend with friends and family it is hard to go back to work.  David had become obsessed with golf.  Tonight when he got home from work he ran past me and right to his golf clubs and while playing with them he told me to put golf on TV.  I found the golf channel and put it on and he was trying to imitate the golfers on TV.  I like golf but I have never been one to watch it on TV so not sure how long we can take watching golf.  We will see if this last tomorrow.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 38 - Football Sunday

In the morning we left first thing to go pick up David and enjoy the day with him.  When we pulled up he started jumping up and down happy to see us.   We had a quick snack before heading to the store again this weekend to get dinner for tonight.  I think we spend a lot of time at the local Kroger.  Good thing it is one of the largest around so there maybe we do not see it all each visit.  On the way to the store we had to keep distracting David so he would think of something besides golf.   Once we were home he went right to his golf set and started to play.  Mom made lunch and David ate and went up reluctantly for his nap.  He is addicted to golf.  After his nap he played in the new playroom for a while before wanting his golf clubs and he did question where the missing ball was.  I told him we lost it so he would not be too mad at the dog.  It was time for the Redskins game and mom knows it is best not to be around me when they are losing but today was a good game even though they lost in overtime.  They will bounce back next week for sure.  David did sit next to me and say football and clap.  He was really happy to watch with me and that was nice.  Every Sunday he is going to eat dinner and watch football with me it should be fun.

Day 37 - Mom's Birthday Party

We all woke up and had breakfast before playing a little bit and then it was off to stay with grandma and grandpa for the night so mom could enjoy an adult party for her birthday.  First we went out to watch Penn State shut out Kent State then back home for more food and fun.  At about 6pm my headache returned.  I feel it is the lack of sleep I had during the week thinking about issues at work.  Once everyone left the party we cleaned up and I was in bed.  

The bad news on the day was the dog ate of one David's golf balls.  How would he react?

Day 36 - Party Prep

I got to sleep in a little bit today having the day off work.  Once I woke up it was time to run errands.  The first stop was a Jiffy Lube to have my oil changed then as I was leaving there I realized it was time for a new car.  Well at least I want a new car.  I stopped at Infiniti but while friendly they did not seem to want to show a car so I just looked at them and on my way back home I stopped by Acura.  I looked around for a while then someone asked if I wanted to test drive a car so I took him up on the offer.  The Acura TL was sitting right our front so we took it for a drive.  The all wheel drive was nice and cornered well but the I could not get the seat to adjust on the short trip to where I was comfortable and the front end of the car in my opinion does not look all that great.  After the test drive it was off to the store to get food for moms birthday party on Saturday.  After lunch I premade some food and then the headache hit.  I was down for the day but pushed through to play golf in the family room with David.  The kid already has better form then I do.  I like to play but let's face it I am no pro.

Day 35 - Drained from Work

It was a long day at the office with several meeting and conference calls again.  At the end of the day I was totally spent and did not want to look at a computer all weekend.  David and I played for a few hours and he was really happy to see the sprinkler running to water the grass seed.  "Water, Water, Water"  When David went to be so did Mom and I.  What a long week this has been.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 34 - 12 hour work day

I got up today and helped to get breakfast ready before I left for work and I could hear him saying "bye bye dada" as I left for work.  I called to check on things about 6pm and he was outside playing and I could hear him banging on something.  When I got home later he was already sound asleep.  I did say good night to him over the phone.  After I got something to eat the rest of the night was spent putting up a daybed in the playroom.  This is not the kind of fun day I like to have but is something that has to be done from time to time.  

Day 33 - Mom sick

I got a call at work from my wife that she was sick and had to go home early.  So it was going to be just David and I while she rested.  I made some Mac n Cheese for my wife so she would have something to eat soft and made chicken for David.  Of course all he wanted to do is be near his mom and play with his golf set all night.  It was a quiet night and once David was in bed I cleaned up my old office so the playing could begin in there.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 32 - Back to Work and Painting

Monday morning after staying up to watch Sunday Night Football I was really tired and I had to work late. When I got home David was out watching his cousin play volleyball at the local high school and I fired up the grill to make some dinner before they got home. Hebrew National all beef hotdogs were on the menu tonight. David wanted to play with his golf set and did not really want anything else until he was tired then he said "bath night night" so that is we did next. Once David was in bed we finally painted the playroom and now it is time to watch Monday Night Football and Weeds.

Day 31 - Moms comes home and Redskins/Cowboys

Today we finished up the yard work and got ready to watch football. As we were driving home from running an errand around lunchtime David started to fall asleep in the car. I knew this did not bode well for him taking a nap if he falls to sleep in the car because even with only 15 minutes of sleep he thinks he is ready to go for the rest of the day. luckily he was able to stay away and eat lunch when we got home before going down for his nap at 12:45 which was just in time for me to settle in and watch opening weekend of football. It was a relaxing afternoon until David woke up. He just wanted his mom and good thing she was almost home because I just did not cut it anymore. David and mom went to the store because I got more junk food for me then actual food I guess. After dinner it was time to watch the Redskins and Cowboys and what a game it turned out to be. The Redskins won!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 30 - NCAA Football and Yard Work

Today started with searching for food for breakfast but lucky for me we had Nutrigrain bars that David just loves so he was set and I was still hungry but could make it too lunch. The first order of business for today was to hit up Kroger for some groceries. Once the food was put away is was on to Lowes for a new rake and some grass seed. David helped push the cart and load the car from lows then he grabbed his plastic rake at home and helped me dethatch the yard. I did not do the best job that is a lot of work and I had to keep an eye on David. I did get the seed down and just in time for lunch at to watch football. No overly exciting noon games but there were a few at 3pm. The ACC did not help themselves by losing every big game they played today but that is ok with me. What an upset of Virginia Tech by JMU! The night game was the one I have been waiting all week for Penn State Vs. Alabama. Not the outcome I wanted to see in that game but We Are...still...Penn State!

Day 29 - Allergies and Mom Gone

Well the doctor did not think David was sick and thought it might be allergies and it is that time of year around here for them to be acting up so we will have to keep an eye on them. It is going to be a guys weekend since mom is going to a baby shower out of town. I am looking forward to a full weekend of football and baseball since I get to see my team because they are playing the hated Yankees. After I picked David up from school today I got home and found there was very little food in the house so I struggled to figure out what we should eat. After dinner David wanted to color so we sat on the floor and colored until bedtime. When I told him it was time for night night he said "no night night let's color." When he was finally done he put up all his toys and told me "night night" so we went up too bed. With David sleeping I started a weekend of football with the Marshall Vs. West Virginia game. How did Marshall let that one get away?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 28 - Sick Kid?

David was is a good mood this morning and I was looking forward to spending time with him before watching football tonight but that all changed when we heard from daycare that he had been coughing really bad during the day so my wife decided to take him to the doctor after work. It turns out he is fine but might have slight ear infection they want to check again in three weeks to see how his ears look. Since David was not here I took the time to cut the grass does anyone think two is too young for him to start cutting the grass? Time to watch some NFL football!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 27 - Out of Work Early and Golf

David has been a little fussy in the morning and hard to get dressed I think I know where he gets that. It is rare that I ever want to get up in the morning. I worked only eight hours today so I got out early and was on the golf course by 4:00. I never hit the ball well when I go right from the car to the tee box but by the back nine I had a little bit better rhythm. Everyone around here aerates the greens around now so they were covered in sand and diffcult to putt on today but my drive is what really killed me. The after work golf season is winding down and will be gone with daylight savings time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 26 - Fantasy football draft

I did not get to see too much of today with David. We had to wake him up this morning and he did not want to get dressed so that was a bit of a hassle this morning but we calmly talked to him about what needed to be done and he finally agreed. I spent most of today in meeting so the day went by fast which is good because I had my fantasy football draft tonight. I got several good players that I will be adding to my Twitter account if they have one so I can hear how they are doing. Of course being a Redskins fan had to pick as a kicker! How about that game last night between Virginia Tech and Boise State? I am so glad football is back.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 25 - Drive home nightmare

We finally slept better and woke up to load the car for our trip home. We planned on leaving around David's nap time so he would sleep some in the car which he did until we had to slam on the breaks for traffic. Dead stopped on the highway I climbed into the back seat to keep him company and play as we sat there. Checking the traffic report on 511 the left and right lanes of a two lane road were closed about 2 miles ahead with no exits between us and the accident. We slowly moved along with people passing on the shoulder when the cops let us by we were delayed about an hour so we decided to stop for pizza and let David walk around before we hit I95 and what is always sure to be heavy traffic.

When we finally got home the neighbors were getting home as well from a trip so David and their daughter played while I worked around the house some getting ready for the week. David did not want to get tucked in when it was time for bed tonight I think he wanted his grandma to tuck him in tonight. Time to watch the Virginia Tech Vs. Boise State football game and maybe play a game of pool with the wife while doing so.

Day 24 - Park and baseball

Still at the grandparents house we decided to go to a local park that had a really nice area for kids and David met a girl his age and played with her for a while on the slides and kicking the ball back and forth. This was after a trip to Panera for breakfast and one of the worst experiences ordering takeout food possible but we will just leave it at that and get back to the day at hand. An Aunt and Uncle stopped by for lunch then more people for dinner and David did not want to nap with all the visitors so we were worried about that nights plans. We were going out to watch a AA baseball game. AA baseball is great for kids and with a game just a couple of miles away we had to check it out. I was not a fan of either team but it was a great time with family and friends and David really loved the game.  Grandma took David home and the rest of us stayed to watch the game and enjoy a few beers.

Day 23 - Great Grandma and Football

After a rough night of sleep or lack thereof in an unfamiliar bed in a house with no AC at all after I just fixed mine and with the windows open all night my wife could not sleep because of the crickets that were extremely loud in the mountainous countryside we awoke to drive again. Today we were going to see David's great grandma about an hour away. She is in her mid nineties and was really excited to see David her first great grandchild. We spent a few hours there visiting relatives then it was back to grandparents to watch football the rest of the day. David did not know mom and I were even around he wanted his grandparents and they were there to spoil him. After we put him to bed that night we went out to visit some of Ann's high school friends that still lived in town having a baby sitter is a nice thing.

Day 22 - Father/Son Day and Long Drive

Friday and daycare is closed so David and I are spending the day together. First stop after a waffle for breakfast is Lowes. Would a father son day be complete without a trip to the hardware store? The next stop is Radio shack to get an electric connector to fix the AC that has been out all week. After a capacitor and wire is replace we have cold air pumping though the house again. After all our work and running around with play with the dog outside a little then have a nice lunch. Time for a nap and a little quiet time for me. I put him down and then quickly pick out cloths for the weekend since we are headed out of town and then lie down for a nap of my own. I was not down long when my wife showed up at home early so we could get on the road.

Once David wakes up we load the car and head out to visit the in-laws. Traffic is heavy but no to bad for Labor Day weekend. After about 2.5 hours we stop for dinner and let David walk around the pet shop to see fish, birds and cats before heading back out on the road hoping he falls asleep for the rest of the trip but guess what. we pull into his grandparents house and he is still awake. He falls right asleep when there and my wife and I have a beer before passing out ourselves after a long day.

Sorry for lack of post was traveling

A weekend of traveling with no computer is nice but makes it hard to post when the app on my phone does not log into this blog so all the days will be posted in a few minutes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

day 21 - Long Weekend and Football

Let the weekend begin. I have a long four day weekend and it is halftime of football right now. What a good night. We went to dinner at BW3. David loves the chicken and mini corndogs there. He is not a big eater at dinner and prefers breakfast but he did not want to leave the table tonight. He wanted to walk out of the restaurant on his own and through the parking lot without holding someone's hand and that is not allowed so I had to carry him and he did not want to go in his seat. When a little kid arches his back it is hard to get him in a seat. No work today and all day with David tomorrow I wonder what we will do. Maybe a trip to Lowes.

Here's to some good college games and no one getting injured in the last preseason football game for the NFL. That might kill some fantasy teams out there.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 20 - No AC still

The AC is still not working downstairs at least it works upstairs. After work today we all went next door for dinner and to hangout for a little while. Today was a long day at work as I look forward to the long weekend. I have enjoyed watching for where Hurricane Earl will end up and I think it will be closer to land then they are predicting but I am not weatherman. That does not mean I cannot be just as wrong as they are most of the time. When we put David to bed tonight he sat up and talked to his stuffed animals for a while. I think he tells us he is ready for bed just so he can tell his stuffed animals what to do. I am off to watch TV and beat the wife/mom in pool.

Also tonight for the sports fans following this the Big Ten divisions and schedules have been announced.

Remember to check me out on Twitter