Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 19 - Dinner out and NFL Cuts

Every morning I get a wave and a "bye bye Dada" on my way out of the house and off to work. It was a long day and I feel morale at the office is low and I started a twitter account and decided to follow some NFL players, @mr_carter99 and @Thatboyphil93 today and I wonder if cut day is the same feeling as layoff day in corporate America. How often do the cuts happen out of the blue on a day no one is expecting I think might be the biggest difference either way no one likes to lose a job no matter what the job is. After work we could not decide what to have for dinner so we tried out a new place and it might be one of my new favorites. The lamb chops were cooked just the way I like and very flavorful. David went with us to dinner and was very good throughout with only one issue when he bit his tongue. It was nice to have a good dinner out and have David not loud and fussy. Could it be because have eaten out once a week with him since he was born that he knows to be quiet? It is not always the case but he does enjoy looking around at everyone and watching people so maybe that keeps him busy for us to eat.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 18 - Broken AC and 100 degrees

OK today is more about the racket that is air conditioning repair. David had a good day and enjoyed dancing to music after dinner tonight. But back to the real issue here. It is 100 degrees today and the AC in our house went out again. The capacitor popped and of course even though I know what I need I cannot just buy it locally because I am not a licensed HVAC contractor. That goodness for the internet so I can spend just a few dollars instead of having to pay someone for the part. I just have to wait for shipping. A $15 dollar part cost between $95 - $175 to be installed by a professional. Four wires and six screws for over $150 that is a rip off if you ask me. Fall will be here soon and that is better football weather anyway. College games start this weekend so I am looking forward to watching football. The heat is not helping my headache from the day in the office. The banging by David on a box after school did not help much either. What other industry do you feel is a racket?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 17 - Best Friends Pool

Sunday morning and we were tired from yesterdays pool party but I was surely ready to do it all over again today. I got up and made some bacon because grease is good the next day after a party. After breakfast we loaded the car to head to our best friend's house to enjoy their pool and company. We got there and played with the kids for a while before lunch. After lunch it was naptime and we all lounged around the pool and had a great time. They had some watermelon wheat beer which I had one sip of and would not recommend to anyone. What beer would you recommend? When the kids woke up it was back to more playing in the pool. David stands on the side and counts to three before jumping. His jump might be an inch off the ground on a good jump so I pick him up and lift him into the water. He loves jumping into the pool. What I did not love is him pulling my hair as he floated around. My wife is watching the Emmys now I guess I will see if there is a game on in the other room.

Day 16 - pool party

We got up this morning and walked to the local donut shop for breakfast. We took the dog so I had to stay outside when David and mom went in to order. I ended up with chocolate donuts what could be better for breakfast then chocolate. After breakfast we had to run to the store for more swim diapers then it was off to a pool party. I was pretty tired and struggling to wake up but the cold water solved that. David was a little unsure of the cold water but he quickly forgot about that and started doggie paddling around. As the day went on it was nap time and the adults took over the pool for some water volleyball. after about 6 hours of playing we were all ready for the day to be over. I could look over and see David watching us playing from time to time and smiling at us all. When we got home it was time for bed to rest up for the next day at the pool.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 15 - playing next door

Today was a busy day. I had to run home at lunch to have new furniture delivered for the play room. Thanks for the courtesy call from the driver saying I will be there in 30 minutes then showing out an hour and 20 minutes later. I had to work a little later than normal to make up for the time. David and mom went next door to play while I grilled dinner.  While he was there the fire alarm went off and he was so worried about the "beep beep". Other then that it was a lovely night and I got to watch the Redskins play in the preseason. Pool partly tomorrow!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 14 - Tucked in

David was ready to go this morning and I did not get to hang out because I had to leave for work. He was going to a picnic tonight with his mom and some local kids/moms. I decided it was a good day for golf. I took off work a little early and hit the links. I did not have the best round and was sick of waiting for the twosome in front of us to move out of the way. After golf I came home to a mess in our outside trashcan, good thing pickup is in the morning. David was already tucked in for the night and was holding his stuffed animals. I heard he gave all his stuffed animals a daycare time out and a stern talking too today. Maybe they did what he did last time to be put in time out?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 13 - nightmare at 3:30am

This day start out early. I got up and helped comfort David but I myself could not go back to sleep until the alarm went off and I turned it off as my wife started getting ready. She could have left me there to sleep for a few hours but she knew I had to get up and head to work.

When I got home from work today David was so happy to see me. It is a nice thing to come home too after a long day at the office. I am so ready for the weekend I am sure that will be seen a lot over this year. Working 9+ hour days everyday and having a two year old at home really drains a man.

David was really in some mood tonight. I know he was trying to tell us something and we could not understand so he just got mad and could never recover to be back in a good mood. We wonder is it moms or dads temper he has we both point fingers at the other but I know I am right it is hers. Time to work on the playroom some and get the bed that was in there up to the attic. I hear David with a slight cough as he sleeps now and I have a tired throat wonder if we are both getting a cold.

Who has a good formula to ward off a cold?  My wife has started to swear by ZiCam.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 12 - hide and seek

Tonight David and I played hide and seek with a few of his stuffed animals.  He would go in the corner and count to 10 while I hid the animals.  One-Two-Three-Four-Eight-Ten.  I had to hide them fast.  When it was time for dinner he lined them all up next to his chair so he could eat with them.  Bath and bed time for mom and dad to have fun.  Mom is walking the dog and I am writing this after a glass of wine and Oreo cookies. They really go better with milk then wine but I am not a fan of whole milk and we did not have any 2% for me to dunk the cookies into.  What are the best cookies for dunking in milk?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 11 - Monday ugh.

As with almost every Monday it is time to head back to work after a good weekend. I get to say goodbye and then it is out the door. I knew mom was in trouble on the way to daycare since Gamma (grandma) was leaving. I did not pick up David today because I wanted to get the grass cut and still have some time with him before bed. I finished cutting the front yard by the time he got home and I took a break to play with him some. He pushed the swing and did not realize it would come back to him. It hit him in the lip and scared him more than anything I think. After a short time playing I was back to cutting the grass. I could see him in the window watching me every time I walked by. I know it will be nice when he is old enough to help out with the yard work. Is three too young to cut the grass hahaha. When I was done he pointed to my legs and said dirty so I had to shower. He was fussy tonight and it seems like he has some teeth coming in and they are bothering him. It was a slow dinner but he ate well and went to bed after helping clean up all his toys.

Day Ten - Long Trip Home

We woke up in the morning and called to check on David. He was running out of toys to show off so it was taking more time on Grandma to keep him entertained we heard. We started our drive home from the city that beat my two favorite teams in one day. One the way home from the evil Baltimore we stopped outside of Washington DC for lunch with family members living there. After lunch we were bound for home to see David and as is often the case I95 traffic added to the length or time we sat in the car. I just wanted to be home. David was happy to see us and we got to play and have a good time before he was ready for bed. He helped me pick a green pepper and a lime from my lime tree he has been dying to pick. When it was time for bed he wanted to sleep with his Clifford stuffed animal. Once he was in bed I put the lime to good use and relaxed after a long day in the car.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day Nine - Grandma is in town

David woke up staving and wanting a waffle.  He was still showing off and wanting to play with everything.  Since Grandma and her friend were here.  It was off to a baseball game and a night away for mom and I.  It was a much needed trip for us and David was to busy to even miss us.  It was a fun night even though my teams lost to our host city for the weekend.  Bad micro brews and losing in football and baseball to the same city in one night did not make me all that happy.  I will be happy to see David when we get home tomorrow.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day Eight - One week down

Today I had the pleasure of taking David to the doctor for a shot. He was great for the flu mist up the nose but the shot was a different story. He is also on the small side according to the charts and anyone that looks at him so the doctor wants to see where he is in six months. I dropped him off at daycare for pizza day and some fun with his friends while I hit the links and got in 14 holes before I had to head home. I met my wife and we went to get David together. He was sitting at the table reading a book and they said he talked about his booboo all afternoon saying it hurt. When we got home with him, grandma was there (my mother in-law). David spent the evening showing off for her and talking about Clifford the Big Red Dog wearing a diaper. Before bed he got a bath and he just loves playing in the water then afterwards he runs and hides in his room before bed always in the same spot next to the dresser.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day Seven - Good start ends not so fun

David was waving goodbye to me from the front door as I pulled out the driveway on my way to work. It was a long day at the office and when I picked him up they had a story about the stool moving as he was washing his hands and he was left hanging on the sink. David got all serious when we talked about it like do not bring that up again. Mom was volunteering tonight so it was a boys night and there was not much to eat in the fridge. Well maybe if I wanted to make a full blown meal but why when we can just have sandwiches? We had a fun night playing and watching ESPN Sports Center. He loves to see a ball on TV and enjoys playing with his golf clubs. This great day took a turn for the worse when it was time for bed. He wanted no part of being changed and was being as ornery as ever. Once he was changed he was clearly ready for bed. Not having mom around so it was not the normal routine so I think it mixed him up some and me too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Six

He was so excited to see me when I walked in his room this morning it was hard to have to leave and go to work. Who am I kidding he thrown something at me and it would have been better than going to work. I had to work late so his mom picked him up and when I got home he and the dog were jumping and happy to see me. It was a nice welcome home. He did not want to eat his veggies tonight but at least he ate some chicken. He is not the biggest fan of eating dinner but he can crush some breakfast.

Day Five

After a long day at work I picked up David and he ran over to me when I got into his classroom very happy to see me. The whole way to pick up his mom he was talking about his grandparents trying to explain the difference between papa and popa. We pick up his mom and were off to dinner. He was so excited to see a water fountain he did not want to go in and eat. I have to tell him we would drive by a tractor on the way home if he went in to eat. It was a fast dinner then we had to drop his mom off to pick up her car and as she walked away he when crazy crying and screaming mama all the way home and she showed up just after us. Good thing there was a beer in the fridge for after he went to bed.

Day Four - Back to work/Daycare

Monday and back to work. It was an uneventful day with a good time had by all. We worked on the playroom some and cleaned up toys from the weekend just in time to settle in for some preseason Monday Night Football. It is good to have football back. David and I watched his first game 2 years ago just after he was born.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day Three - Goodbye Home Office

With all the toys that we added to the house it was finally time to change the home office into a play room. Thanks to Craigslist.com the nice cherry desk that I used when working from home was now gone but everything in the drawers was left sitting around. A small space in the house was converted in to the closet as we took turns playing with our son and dog and working on the now messy playroom. A trip to Costo for supplies was also included in our day. The extra wide carts made David, our son, think there should be someone sitting next to him and he wanted to keep switching back and forth when no one was there. It was a fun but tiring day.

Day Two - First weekend starts

The first full day as a two year old and we get to spend it with best friends hanging out at the pool. We get to our friends house and realize we are out of diapers and the beer supply is low so I am off to the store thinking of "Raising Arizona." After lunch it was time for a nap and some quiet time in the pool for the adults but the portable crib was next to a treadmill and it was "hold on what is that crazy thing dad? I am scared" The rest of the day went great with swimming doggy paddling around in a life vest.

Second Birthday

After waking up and seeing my son sleeping in on his birthday I was off to work hoping he enjoyed the toys that I spent the night before assembling. I had a busy day at work but I hear the terrible twos started that morning on the way to the grocery store. Not often it is better to be at work but this might have been one of those times. Leaving work early I got home to see him playing with all his toys and he did not want to go to bed when it became time. I am about 3 days behind at this point but want to have some humor around this blog so it might be just random thoughts of what a working dad sees and enjoys and does not enjoy about the year so commonly referred to as the "terrible twos"